Advanced Technical Ceramic Manufacturing
Plus Precision Machining of Polyurethane and Plastics

Advanced Technical Ceramic Manufacturing
Plus Precision Machining of Polyurethane & Plastics

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RocCera Announces Line of Advanced Technical Ceramics Stock

RocCera today announced the launch of a line of advanced technical ceramics stock. Advanced technical ceramics refer to materials, which exhibit superior mechanical and physical properties, such as, exceptional corrosion/oxidation resistance, ability to withstand high pressure and temperature, stronger than steel. Advanced ceramics generally include structural ceramics, electronic ceramics, ceramic coatings, and bio-ceramics.

“Advanced Technical Ceramics have some superior characteristics versus steel”, said Sam Ghosh, CEO of RocCera. “Many companies in the food processing and industrial equipment market don’t have in house ceramic fabrication capabilities. With advanced ceramic stock they can now machine custom parts for their needs”.

RocCera offers a broad range of advanced technical ceramic stocks in the shape of rods, tubes, plates and discs. The stocks are manufactured using RocCera’s cold isostatic pressing and uniaxial dry pressing technologies to produce the best physical and mechanical properties.

The following stocks are currently available:

  • Ceramic rods: 0.25 inch diameter to 3.5 inch diameter and maximum 8 inches long
  • Ceramic tubes: 0.125 inch to 2.5 inch ID, 0.5 inch to 4.0 inch OD and maximum 8 inches long
  • Ceramic plates: any geometric design not exceeding 3.5 inches X 6 inches X 1 inch thick
  • Ceramic discs: as small as 0.5 inch diameter to as high as 3.5 inch diameter and thickness not exceeding 6 inches.

In addition, RocCera can manufacture custom stock.

RocCera manufactures alumina and zirconia ceramic stocks for customers who use their in-house diamond grinding capabilities to machine the stock. For many applications where dimensional tolerances are not that stringent, the stock ceramics can be used as is. RocCera can also machine the stock ceramics to specifications that customers supply.

Pricing and Availability

Pricing depends upon stock size and volume Stock is available now. For more information, please call 585-426-0887 or email to

About RocCera

RocCera, LLC is a manufacturer and fabricator of advanced technical ceramic, polyurethane and steel components. The company is based in The Rochester Technology Park, Rochester, New York. RocCera’s advanced ceramic technology was originally developed in Kodak under the leadership of Dr. Sam Ghosh, who founded RocCera in 2006.

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